Tutor Session Overview
Most of our private, one-on-one tutoring sessions follow the below steps. Tutors must apply these steps to every session.
Confirm Goal of Session
Confirm the goal(s) of the tutoring session. A clearly defined goal of each tutoring session - gain an understanding of a math concept, outline the structure of an essay, confirm readiness for a history exam, etc. - is critical for success in tutoring.
It is best that the goal is defined - by the student - before the start of the session. If a student need help with this, direct the student to our AMPS session prep page.
Note that the session goals should be aligned with the overall goal of the engagement. At beginning of engagement, some type of assessment should be conducted to diagnose gaps and strengths, what will help determine overall goal of engagement. See more about assessments here.
Review Last Session
If applicable, review what was covered in the last session and how student is progressing or where student is struggling. Note progress and/or what related help is needed. Progress or remaining struggles may be related to the session goal.
During the tutoring session, always remember that the student should be talking more than the tutor. While the tutor's role is to instruct and guide the student through the material, it is important that the student is engaged and confirming that the lesson material is being understood, or communicating remaining challenges. Having the student "teach" the tutor a concept is an excellent way to confirm subject comprehension or to expose remaining gaps.
Wrap and Confirmation
Near end of the session the tutor should confirm comprehension of material used during session and/or remaining gaps and challenges student student is having. Recommendations for solidifying comprehension and/or closing gaps should also be made (Kahn Academy lessons, incremental homework in textbook, additional session prior to exam, detailed study plan, etc.). This should all be documented in the session notes.
Session Notes
Immediately after completion of session, it is essential that the tutor records attendance and enter session notes. Session notes communicate to the student's parents or guardian a summary of the each session, and help them better understand what was covered, progress, challenges, any recommendations for student. This helps to enable the parent to support the efforts of both the student and tutor. The session notes are also a great reference point for other tutors who need to take over an engagement or fill in for the assigned tutor. Session notes should be simple, and include the topic that was covered during session, how student is progressing, any challenges student is having, and recommendations for supplemental practice/learning (Kahn academy lesson, worksheet, etc.). Any particular concerns can be documented and sent to parents and Learning Director as well. Most tutors complete their notes within a few minutes. Instructions for entering sessions notes can be found on our Attendance and Session Notes page.
More resources for tutors can be found in our Tutor Lounge: