College Tutors of Indiana and Proficiency Builders helps students gain true academic proficiency, which leads to confident students who are fully prepared for success post high school. Proficient students are presented with multiple options in the areas of higher education – university, college, or vocational – that lead to rewarding careers, fulfilled individuals, and stronger communities. In short, proficiency means opportunity, and that is why we tutor. We help students help themselves achieve academic proficiency through a team of experienced and dedicated tutors who share a firm belief that all students are capable of proficiency, coupled with study/organizational skills coaching through our test prep framework, PreplogX, that is immersed in the subject tutoring engagement.

Many of the families who reach out to us have children with limited study/organizational skills, which is often the root cause of their academic struggles. Poor organizational skills, or the inability to effectively plan for exams is a growing problem among students. In fact, a recent McGraw Hill report reveals that the number of students who feel that being unprepared for classes was their biggest obstacle to success has nearly doubled (McGraw Hill Study Trends Report, 2023). Building organizational skills that improve preparedness for school does not need to be difficult or complex and can be realistically learned and applied by students. This is why developed PreplogX, our exam prep tool created by a team of skilled tutors using their experience and time-tested organizational practices.

PreplogX is a logical and simplified approach for building and executing effective exam preparation plans. Students learn the PreplogX framework during their tutoring engagement, so mastery of effective preparation is immersed in the tutoring process, which provides more relevance and retention as opposed to a stand-alone process. The study and organizational skills learned through the PreplogX framework will be applied to future grades and endeavors, providing lifelong benefits. Whether your student needs subject-specific tutoring, exam prep coaching, or both, contact us to learn how we can help your student realize their full potential. We look forward to hearing from you…