Tutoring tailored to the student's unique learning style.
Build proficiency, improve study strategies and gain confidence!
Learn more about our tutoring and study skills coaching
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Abe Lincoln

Academic success has little to do with ability, and a lot to do with planning, hard work, consistent studying, organizational skills, and, of course, confidence. Often, students lack confidence because they have convinced themselves that they aren’t good in particular subjects. Struggling in class will understandably frustrate a student and feed the idea that they don’t have the ability to gain proficiency in these subjects, but these struggles are the result of factors that have nothing to do with potential: learning styles, a lack of study skills, limited support at home, a misunderstanding of a basic but foundational concept.
This is where a good tutor can make all the difference. Personalized, one-on-one tutoring provides the unique opportunity to exclusively focus on the student’s struggles – and goals – and to help the student help themselves learn essential concepts, get organized, create a plan, improve study skills, and gain confidence that they can indeed master subjects, often accomplishing more than they thought they could. The right tutor can help the student set a new course in their academic lives, making a difference that is meaningful and lasting!
At Spark Tutoring, we are driven by the fundamental belief that all students are capable of achieving proficiency, that proficiency leads to opportunity, and that students with opportunities are happier and contribute to healthy families and communities. We know that tutors can help students realize success and gain self-confidence through planning and preparation, assessing gaps and goals, responsibility and discipline, and that knowledge leads to proficiency which leads to opportunity…
Success and Self-Confidence through:



